streda 19. februára 2014

Mesto zlata

Zlato je dôležité. A hlavne pekné. Zlato dalo vzrast aj krásnemu mestečku zvanému Kremnica. A keďže zo Zvolenskej kotliny je to hneď za kopcom, z času na čas tam zájdeme a tešíme sa z jej krásy. V lete sme boli na organovom festivale. Ou yeah. Lebo čo je lepšie ako hodinu a pol sedieť v kostole a počúvať organové etudy? Čokoľvek!!! At least, mala som so sebou foťáčik a slnko svietilo nádherne. A aj mesiac vyšiel :)

Mesiac nad horami a slnkom zaliate kamene storočí. Viem, že tie múry prežili mnoho. Pamätajú si viac, ako by chceli. Že majestátnosť organovej hudby niekedy ťažko preniká do môjho srdca. Je mohutná ako tie kamene. A ja mám radšej vodopády. Ale bola som s milovanými a ocko mi kúpil aj zmrzlinu. Takže to bolo win win. Lebo inak by to nemalo zmysel. Haha. A zisťujem, že asi som už pre dnešok vyčerpala všetky svoje pisateľské danosti. Áno. Konečne píšem bakalárku. A preto blogujem. A teším sa, ako pôjdem fotiť. Napríklad zajtra. A ako raz budem mať doma tmavú komoru a fotky rozvešané po celom dome a nejaké to drevo narúbané pred domom. Hi :) A v polici knihy odo mňa aj od Domky aj od kadekoho. A myslím, že to budú skvelé časy. Legendárne. Skoro ako dnešok. Vstala som pred desiatou. Ráno. Everybody clap your hands!

Za tým kopcom bývam. Aspoň podľa mojich výpočtov. Aj mesiac už vyšiel.

sobota 15. februára 2014

Tam a ešte ďalej. Cez najvyššiu horu.

Go There and further. Across the biggest mountain.

Mine. I am doing this for you. And I know that you know about my poor english grammar. Whatever. So, this post is dedicated to you. Here are the last Suiss memories from my developed film. I think the third one with trip pictures. And thats what I love. To take pictures on my old camera and than wait for them. Maybe month, maybe two months. And maybe longer.

My heart was melting all the time in Switzerland. And I love this crazy things, like when you are in a traffic jam and instead of go any "normal" way, you go across the mountain. Alps of course. Cause somebody didn´t chceck the high level of the motorway. Tuturuuu. I think, this wasn´t just by accident. Cause it was great! To go out from the car and found, outside is much more cold than you thought. So, take jumpers and go on! Yeah, that icy lake looked great.

But we passed it and finally returned to Burgdorf. Our safety place :). Took another dresses and get out. That was beautiful time in such a beautiful valley. We walked through the town, to the old old stronghold and spent time near the river with all of the Suiss families. We drinked the original Burgdorfer beer, had original Burgdorfer balcony breakfast and visited the old castle. And many other things. Yes, and the sound of sheeps on the hills. And fountains with water. And wooden stairs and paper bed. And rice-food :D. I dont have a name for It. So, we were there, we went to Bern, we went to Zurich. Terezka bought her a beautiful starbucks mug and it was all done. No I have only nice memories and this pictures. Memories I can share with you when we will meet dear, and pictures I can share with you now and here. I love you Mine.

A možno niečo z tohto napíšem aj po Slovensky. Ale asi sa mi nechce. A asi by som napísala niečo úplne iné. Lebo medzi myslením a napísaním mi teraz v hlave stála bariéra angličtiny. A možno sa to naučím. Byť autentická aj v anglickom písanom prejave. A nehante ma za moju angličtinu. Viem, že je biedna.

PS: I almost forgot. The big big music store in Zurich where I played on "cemballo" /I dont know how is it in english. Old type of piano :D/

Icy lake


Burgdorf and the moon above.

Catherdral in Bern.


Schaffhausen. Waterfall.

Border line. Or better, border stone. Suiss-Deutschland.

Zurich. Hope to see you soon.